The Sun on 27 November 2020 Home

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The Sun and I have neglected each other for the last 7 years.  Firstly I moved house and built my new observatory, and I missed the last solar maximum.  Then the Sun seems to have been a long time coming out of minimum.  But at last the new cycle (no. 25) seems to be under way.

The whole Sun.  .
There is another tiny spot (no. 12784) in the northern hemisphere which I have failed to resolve in this picture.
Date and Time: 27 November 2020 09:28 UT
Camera: DMK 21AF04
Telescope: 270 mm SLR
Capture: ICCapture. Exposure 1/1477", gain 812, 1781 frames
Processing: Registax5. 469 frames stacked.
        Registax6. Gaussian Wavelets Scheme 4a
These are spots numbered 12786 and 12785. Move your pointer over the image to see them identified. And this is spot number 12783

Date and Time: 27 November 2020 09:59 UT
Camera: DFK 21AF04
Telescope: ETX 125 with Thousand Islands solar filter
Capture: ICCapture. Exposure 1/3521", gain 885, 1799 frames
Processing: Registax5. 513 frames stacked. Histogram 40-205, Gaussian wavelets Scheme 4a

Capture details as on the left except:
Time: 09:45 UT
Capture: 1784 frames
Processing: Registax5. 387 frames stacked. Histogram 40-220
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