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Move your mouse over the picture to see the names of the various craters.

This is the far north-west area of the Moon imaged at a time of particularly favourable libration for that area (Latitude 6° 46', Longitude -6° 16').  Identifying the craters in the libration zone is difficult, but the 90° west longitude passes through Brianchon and Cremona.
The picture is a composite of five images taken with a DMK camera attached to my LX200 on 22nd October 2011 at about 05:00 UT, when the Moon was 24.3 days old.

Libration Latitude +6° 46', longitude -6° 16'
Solar inclination -1.1°
Lunar Phase 244.1°
Colongitude 212.7°
Date and Time 22nd October 2011 05:13 and 05:17 UT
Camera DMK 21AF04 with CLS filter
Telescope LX200 at prime focus
Capture ICCapture 1/1000 sec exposure, gain 1023, gamma 10
Processing Registax2. Multi-point alignment, 100 frames per point, Gaussian wavelets Scheme 1
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