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Page 1: The South East.  Page 2: The East    Page 3: The North East    Page 4: The West    Page 5: The North West    Page 6: The South West.

Move your mouse over the picture to see the names of the various craters.

This is the far south-east area of the Moon imaged at a time of particularly favourable libration for that area (Latitude -5° 41', Longitude 1° 43').  In the mouseover I have attempted to indicate all the named craters that I can identify in the libration area with a few of the more-prominent craters outside that area for reference.
The picture is a composite of two images taken with a ToUcam attached to my LX200 on 11th May 2005 at about 20:33 UT, when the Moon was 3.3 days old.  The picture of the whole Moon, of which this is a part, can be found here (290K).  The picture was captured in infra-red light about 50 minutes after sunset when the Moon was at an altitude of 24°.

Date and Time 11th May 2005 20:32 and 21:06 UT
Camera ToUcam 740K with IR-pass filter
Telescope LX200 at prime focus
Capture K3CCDTools. High gamma, 1/50", 6% gain
Processing Registax. Wavelet 1-3 = 10, gamma 1.3, contrast 120
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