The LX200 and the Focal Reducer, Part 9 The Final Solution Home

The results in Part 8 showed to my satisfaction that the brand-new focal reducer was of poorer quality than my original one.  Although symmetrical, the coma was far worse, and frankly unacceptable.  I put this to David Lawrence, MD of Telescope House, and asked for the return of my original lens.  His reply was that he would try but thought it unlikely he could get it.  When I expressed concern as he had replaced a slightly defective lens with a grossly-defective lens, he suggested that he send me his own lens, which he had had for many years and knew worked well, and I could try it out and keep whichever lens I preferred.  This was a very generous offer which I could not refuse.

The next day the lens arrived, and I finally got a clear night to try it out on 10 July 2011.  I imaged those objects which I had imaged in Part 7.  The results, below, are so clear that I don't need to reproduce the images from Part 7 or Part 8.

This is the NGC146 group imaged with my ETX125 and this latest focal reducer.  It should be compared with the lower image in Part 8.

Here is the same area imaged through my LX200 fitted with this same focal reducer.  I don't have a direct comparison image.

Here is M29.  This should be compared with the fourth image in Part 7.

Here is Basel 6.  This should be compared with the fifth image in Part 7.

Here is M101.  This is not a good image.  M101 was low in the northern sky and by the time I got to it, the sky was beginning to lighten, and I probably under-exposed it.  However the lack of coma is evident.  It should be compared with the first image in Part 7.

This older lens is significantly better than my original, and enormously better than the example from Meade's current batch.  Indeed the image is free of coma right to the corners.  If I had bought the focal reducer now from the current batch (that used in Parts 7 and 8 of this discussion), I think I would probably have returned it as "not fit for its intended purpose" under the UK's "Sale of Goods Act".  I am extremely grateful to David Lawrence who gave me his own personal lens, from an older batch that were perfect, in replacement for the one from the latest batch which was clearly not.  What this work implies for Meade's quality control, I leave to your judgement.

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