The Sun on 23 April 2011 Home

The whole Sun.  Groups 11196 and 11197 are very small and are not resolved in this picture.

Date and Time: 23 April 2011 11:04 UT
Camera: DMK 21AF04
Telescope: 270 mm SLR
Capture: ICCapture. Exposure 1/618", gain 180, 2777 frames
Processing: Registax6. 2 alignment points, 600 frames stacked. Gaussian wavelets 1(0.1,0.07)=100, 2(0.15,0.1)=100, 3(0.44,0.1)=100, Histogram 54-171.
A close-up picture of spot number 11193.  This group first appeared around the limb of the Sun on the 14th of April and is at about 18° south.

Date and Time: 22 April 2011 12:03 UT
Camera: DMK 21AF04
Telescope: LX200
Capture: ICCapture. Exposure 1/1000", gain 180,
3777 frames
Processing: Registax6. 793 frames stacked. Gaussian wavelets as above.  Histogram 17-135
A close-up picture of group number 11195.  This group first appeared on 20th April.  This picture was taken in white light, but I tried taking pictures through narrow-band filters.  You can see these pictures here.

Date and Time: 23 April 2011 11:17 UT
Camera: DMK 21AF04
Telescope: LX200
Capture: ICCapture. Exposure 1/618", gain 180,
3389 frames
Processing: Registax6. 217 frames stacked. Gaussian wavelets as above. Histogram 65-205.
A close-up picture of spots 11196 and 11197.  This was the last we saw of 11197 (the upper, very weak formation) which, according to the University of Hawaii, had disappeared by 16:30 the same afternoon.  On the other hand group 11196 seems to have grown since yesterday.

Date and Time: 23 April 2011 11:17 UT
Camera: DMK 21AF04
Telescope: LX200
Capture: ICCapture. Exposure 1/618", gain 180,
3389 frames
Processing: Registax6. 217 frames stacked. Gaussian wavelets as above. Histogram 65-205.

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