The Sun on 3rd July 2006 Home

The whole Sun.  The spot is number 10898.  The Sun is approaching the minimum in its sunspot cycle but that doesn't mean there aren't any, and this is a nice one.

Date and Time: 3rd July 2006 11:31 UT
Camera: ToUcam 740K
Telescope: 270 mm SLR
Capture: K3CCDTools. Low gamma, B/W, 1/100", 16% gain, 327 frames
Processing: Registax. 109 frames stacked. Wavelets 1 = 10, 2 = 5, gamma 1.5
And this is a close-up picture of spot number 10898.

Date and Time: 3rd July 2006 11:45 UT
Camera: Toucam 740K
Telescope: ETX 125
Capture: K3CCDTools. Low gamma, B/W, 1/250", 29% gain, 515 frames
Processing: Registax. 107 frames stacked. Wavelets 1-2 = 10, histogram 0-200

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