The Sun and its Spots on 3rd August 2005 Home

Move your mouse over the picture to see the numbers of the spot groups.

The Sun on 050803 The whole Sun.

Date and Time: 3rd August 2005 09:30 UT
Camera: ToUcam 740K
Telescope: 270 mm SLR
Capture: K3CCDTools. Low gamma, B/W, 1/250", 18% gain, 310 frames
Processing: Registax. 187 frames stacked. Wavelets 1,2 = 10
Sunspot 10792 on 050803 Sunspot group 10792.

Date and Time: 3rd August 2005 09:44 UT
Camera: ToUcam 740K
Telescope: ETX125 at prime focus.
Capture: K3CCDTools. Low gamma, B/W, 1/500", 0% gain, 316 frames.
Processing: Registax. 208 frames stacked. Wavelet 1-3 = 10, gamma 1.5, contrast 280, brightness -70.
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