The Sun and its Spots on 13th June 2005 Home

Move your mouse over the picture to see the numbers of the spot groups.  I have omitted the leading "10" from the numbers.

The Sun on 050613 The whole Sun.  I think I have just caught spot group 10777 which is tiny, but spot 10773 seems to have gone.

Date and Time: 13th June 2005 07:04 UT
Camera: ToUcam 740K
Telescope: 270 mm SLR
Capture: K3CCDTools. Low gamma, B/W, 1/100", 12% gain, 306 frames
Processing: Registax. 170 frames stacked. Wavelets 1 = 10, 2 = 5
Sunspots 10775 and 6 on 050613 Sunspot groups 10775 and 10776.

Date and Time: 13th June 2005 07:33 UT
Camera: ToUcam 740K
Telescope: ETX125 with Meade 0.33 focal reducer.
Capture: K3CCDTools. Low gamma, B/W, 1/250", 0% gain, 312 frames
Processing: Registax. 138 frames stacked. Wavelet 1-3 = 10, gamma 1.2, contrast 120, brightness -24, histogram 30-200

Sunspots 10775 and 6 on 050613 Finally a mosaic of the two spots taken at prime focus.  This picture is a combination of three pictures, one of each spot and one that just includes both of them.  (The mottled shading is not real.  It is caused in some way by the browser; the picture looks fine in my photo editor.)

Date and Time: 13th June 2005 07:17 to 07:22 UT
Camera: ToUcam 740K
Telescope: ETX125 at prime focus
Capture: K3CCDTools. Low gamma, B/W, 1/250", 5% gain
Processing: Registax. Wavelet 1-4 = 10, gamma 1.5 contrast 130.
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