The Sun between 20th and 25th August 2004

This series of pictures shows the Sun on successive days between 20th and 25th August 2004 (with an image for 23rd missing unfortunately).  I have labelled the spots in the second image.   It is interesting to see how spots can change with time by looking at successive images.   For example, spot number 10664 is barely there on the 20th;  by the 21st a spot at the western (left-hand) end is darkening.   By the 24th, however, the spot at the eastern end has developed and by the 25th only this one remains.
When comparing pictures, it must be remembered that the Sun is a globe.  Looking at spot 10661 in the images for the 21st and 24th, it seems that the two spots are getting closer together, but they are not;  this is an effect of perspective.

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