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Sunspot 10656 Sunspot number 10656 was very large.   It is almost certainly spot number 10649 coming round again.  I was lucky enough to be able to image in on most days as it moved across the Sun.  It is interesting to observe how its detail changed over time.
Compare with spot 10649, below.
Sunspot 10649 Sunspot number 10649 was very large.  I only managed to image in on four days as it moved across as it moved across the Sun between 14th and 24th July 2004.   It is almost certainly the same spot as reappeared as 10656 on 6th August.
Sun 040622 These are spot groups 10634 (upper spot) and 10635 (the bigger group) imaged at a focal length of about 630 mm (my ETX125 with a 0.33 focal reducer).  This picture was taken on the 22nd June.
Sun 040622 And a closer view of Spot Group 635 also taken on 22nd June.
Sunspot 10484 In October 2003 the Sun suddenly became very active despite being on the downside of the 11-year solar cycle. Spots are not static features as can be seen in this sequence of pictures of Group 10484 between 21st and 29th October. This spot simply wasn't there on the 20th, and by the 29th it was nearing the limb of the Sun and foreshortening has made it look smaller than it was.
Sunspot 10486 Group 10486 imaged between 23rd and the 28th October 2003. This group was so large that it was clearly visible to the naked eye (with suitable dark glasses of course).
Sunspot 10488 Group 10488 imaged between 27th and the 30th October 2003.
Sunspots 634 and 635 Close up picture of spots 10634 and 10635 also taken on 16th June 2004
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