Pictures taken with the Konos DCT130 Home

These pictures are presented here full size to show what the camera produces.  The first two are in the camera's high-resolution mode (1280 x 1024) and the third is in 640 x 480 mode and collected with K3CCDTools.  They are all in colour.  Below each picture are some details on the processing.  There is not much information on the settings of the camera as I have not got a good way of capturing these.  The settings for contrast, brightness and gamma can be adjusted manually or automatically.  I accept that I have not got much experience with this camera yet, so the pictures are not as good as they might be.  The   camera was at prime focus of my LX200 and you can judge the wide field of view and the quality of the image across that field.  I purposely caused the image to wonder on the sensor to remove the images of dust on the field lens, so I hope these are not visible.

The pictures were taken on 16th January 2008 at around 18:15 UT.  Seeing was not good and the images were squirming badly.  I have used MAP in RegiStax to try to mitigate this.  The Moon was 8.4 days old.

The northern part of the Moon, captured using the Konos software with a low gamma and 10 fps.  Processing in RegiStax consisted of a preliminary alignment using a single alignment point followed by outputting the aligned   frames as a new avi.  This avi was then reloaded and aligned using 21 alignment points.  Finally 334 frames were stacked, wavelets 1 and 2 set to 10 and gamma increased to 1.3.

The southern part of the Moon, captured using the Konos software with a low gamma and 10 fps.  Preliminary processing in RegiStax as for the picture above.  The aligned avi was then reloaded and aligned using 32 alignment points.  Finally 302 frames were stacked, wavelets 1 and 2 set to 10 and gamma increased to 1.3.   The mouseover is the picture below enlarged by a factor of two for comparison of the high- and low-resolution pictures.

Again the southern part of the Moon, captured this time with K3CCDTools and a resolution of 640 x 480, a low gamma and 10 fps.  Preliminary processing in RegiStax as for the picture above.  The aligned avi was then reloaded and aligned using 42 alignment points.  Finally 702 frames were stacked, wavelets 1 and 2 set to 10 and gamma increased to 1.3.   The mouseover is the high-definition image reduced in size by 50% for comparison.

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