NGC 5985, 5982, and 5981.    A Group of GalaxiesHome

Three of a group of six galaxies all within a one-degree field.  My camera only sees about a 20-minute field so I was only able to get three of them in, but these are quite different.  NGC 5985 is a spiral seen almost face on, 5982 is an elliptical galaxy with very faint outer parts, and 5981 is a spiral seen edge on.  (Move your mouse over the image to see them identified.)

Mine is a monochrome picture but a high-resolution, colour picture is very pretty indeed.

Date and Time: 9th January 2011 22:57 to 23:17 UT
Camera: MX716
Telescope: LX200 with 0.33 focal reducer
Capture: Starlight Xpress. 20 frames, 60" exposure
Processing: star_mx7.  Dark-frame subtraction, enhancement factor 25, black level.
    Irfanview. Conversion to png format.
    RegiStax. 20 frames stacked, gamma 1.5, histogram 20-255, Gaussian wavelets Scheme 3
    PhotoImpact. Vertical flip.

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