The Stars on 12th August 2005 Home

The 11th and 12th of August mark the maximum of the Perseid Meteors.  I tried to capture some by leaving my camera grabbing images all night (60-second exposures continuously).  I was not successful in catching a meteor (although I did catch three aircraft) but I did get a nice AVI showing the stars and how they move as the Earth rotates.  I have made an animation of every other frame shrunk to half size which shows it quite nicely but is almost 5 Mb in size; to see it click here.  The animation covers about 4½ hours and is speeded up 1200 times.  The camera is pointing approximately north-east.
Shown below is one frame taken from that animation showing the stars I imaged at 02:14 on the morning of 12th August 2005.
Move your mouse over the picture to see which star is which.

The Stars on 050811 The stars of Perseus and Camelopardalis.  I am slightly uncertain of the identification of Algol.