Image of the Moon at 14.7 Days (Full Moon)

Move your mouse over the image to see the names of the more prominent features of the full Moon.

Mosaic 14.8 days made using a Toucan 740 and an ETX125 by the drift technique described by Jan Timmermans.   (Scroll down to How do you do that? and click on the image of the Moon.)  16 April 2003
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Day 14.5 photographed with a DSLR (Canon 1100D) and my RC telescope.
19 December 2019
A much better picture of the Full Moon.
Click on the image to see it full sized.
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Date and Time

8th November 2003 23:03 UT


ToUcam 740K


270 mm SLR lens


K3CCDTools. Mid gamma, 1/1000", 20% gain


Registax. 330 frames, Wavelet 1 = 10

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