Rima Hyginus Home

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Rima Hyginus is a long rille in an area just south of Mare Vaporum.  It is 226 km long. Near its centre is a small crater, Hyginus, which has been reported as showing transient lunar phenomena, vapours being emitted from below the surface.  This seems appropriate considering its proximity to Mare Vaporum (the Sea of Vapours). To its north-east is a mountain unofficially called Mount Schneckenberg;  This is described as a 'spiral mountain' in 'The Moon' by Percy Wilkins and Patrick Moore (Macmillan 1961).  I think the feature warrants a return when the Sun is somewhat higher.
The picture was taken with a ToUcam attached to my LX200 with a X2 adaptor lens on 6th September 2004 when the Moon was 21.8 days old.
Date and Time 6th September 2004 04:46 UT
Camera ToUcam 740K
Telescope LX200 with X2 lens
Capture K3CCDTools. High gamma, 1/50", 49% gain, 310 frames
Processing Registax. 115 frames stacked. Wavelet 1,2 = 10
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