Mountains of Northern Mare ImbriumHome

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Mount Pico is an interesting, isolated mountain in Mare Imbrium. It was almost certainly left sticking up as Mare Imbrium flooded with lava some 3,800 million years ago.  The "island" is 26 Km across and rises to a height of 2,400 metres, and is situated some 130 Km south of the crater Plato.  Also shown in this picture are the Teneriffe Mountains, a roughly linear chain of mountains 114 Km long with six main summits reaching 1450 metres high. The Alps are on the right of the picture and the Alpine Valley is partly visible too.
The picture was taken with a ToUcam attached to my ETX125 with a X2 lens attached on 4th September 2004, when the Moon was 19.9 days old.
Date and Time 4th September 2004 04:39 UT
Camera ToUcam 740K
Telescope ETX125 with X2 lens
Capture K3CCDTools. 50% gamma, 1/50", 20% gain, 481 frames
Processing Registax. 197 frames stacked. Wavelet 1,2 = 10
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