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Move your mouse over the picture to see the names of some of the features.

The Linear Mountains are an interesting feature at the northern end of Mare Imbrium.  According to the VMA they are some 95 Km long and 20 Km wide, but measuring them with the measuring tool indicates they are more like 77 Km long.  The crater Plato is just visible in the top, right-hand corner of the picture.  The mountains to the north are the Jura Mountains.
The markers in the bottom, left-hand corner are 50 Km long and orientated north and east.
The picture was taken with a ToUcam attached to my LX200 with a X2 adaptor lens at 03:28 UT on 7th October 2004 when the Moon was 22.8 days old.
Date and Time 7th October 2004 03:28 UT
Camera ToUcam 740K
Telescope LX200 with X2 lens
Capture K3CCDTools. High gamma, 1/50", 24% gain, 310 frames
Processing Registax. 112 frames stacked. Wavelet 1-3 = 10
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