The Terminator on Day 12.3 Home

Below are two mosaics of the region of the terminator.  Sadly I missed out a section within Oceanus Procellarum so the two parts do not join.  They were taken as follows:
Lunar Phase: 28.9°
Colongitude: 61.2°
Date and Time: 27th March 2010 23:10 - 23:42 UT
Camera: DMK 21AF04
Telescope: LX200 at prime focus (FL 2500 mm) with Astronomik OIII filter
Capture: ICcapture. 1/91", gain 870

The pictures are very big, so, if your browser does not scale them automatically, you will have to scroll the page to see the whole picture.

Northern section from Hayn E to Mairan.

Southern section from the southern end of Oceanus Procellarum to Casatus.

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