NGC2281  An Open ClusterHome

NGC2281, in the constellation of Auriga, subtends 15 arc-minutes in diameter and has a visual magnitude of 5.4 so is just visible to the naked eye in dark skies.  It is between 300 and 550 million years old and is between 1100 and 1800 light years away.  It contains 127 listed stars of which 55 are brighter than 13th magnitude.

Date and Time: 10th November 2010 05:15 UT
Camera: Starlight Xpress MX716 with Astronomik CLS filter
Telescope: ETX125 with 0.33 focal reducer
Capture: Star_mx7. 10 sec, 26 frames
Processing: Star_mx7. Blank subtraction, enhancement factor 25, black level
    Registax. 26 frames stacked, histogram 10-255, gamma 1.5.
    PhotoImpact. Vertical flip, reduction 88%, contrast and brightness +20
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