M42 in natural light; 6th February 2008Home

This picture represents First Light for my Atik 16ic colour camera.  It is the sum of 29 60-second exposures using the 0.33 focal reducer on my LX200-10.  I took a total of 60 exposures, but my mount is not good enough and half had to be rejected for movement during exposure.  The dark rings around the over-exposed stars are caused by the wavelet processing which enhances the nubula.  Move your mouse over the picture to see the picture without wavelet processing.

Date and Time 6th February 2008 20:37 to 21:47 UT
Camera Atik 16ic colour
Telescope LX200 with 0.33 focal reducer, no filters.
Capture Artemis Capture. 60 sec exposure
Processing RegiStax. 29 of 60 frames stacked. Wavelets 1 - 2 = 5, histogram 10-255
Mouseover: No wavelets or histogram processing.

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